Dr Scott Johnson- Coming US Holocaust,Digital TV,HAARP,GWEN Towers,Silent Sound Mind Control 1/21
playpdf.sa-media.com Scott's Homepage - www.sermonaudio.com Scott's Forum - 21st www.endtimescurrentevents.freeforums.org December 2008 The age of deception here, and thanks to digital technology is now even easier to fool people in the mass numbers. A photo, a video and each sound can be digitally manipulated to something that does not really show there. This leads us to the issue of why (in part) of the United States, all shipments moving from analog to digital. These statements should provide a lessonsecret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), which is fully operational since the early 1990s. The physical, emotional and psychological impact of this technology were so severe that 200,000 Iraqis soldiers without firing even a single shot against the US-led coalition forces surrounded en masse. Why eight years veteran of the war in the Middle East (Iran 1980-1988) should behave in this way? Simple. They were subjected to a technology that so extreme andunderstand why they suddenly to the level of compliant children decreased and still felt grateful that life in the wake of her mind-wrenching experience. This technology will be used (probably) in the near future, albeit more subtly, against U.S. citizens in a highly classified covert operations and to control mind and manipulate the entire population into "compliance" With our new world order masters. The technology will use a combination of HAARP transmitter, GWEN...
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