Saturday, January 16, 2010

Satellite Dish and TV Aerial Installation and Repairs

If you have bad picture quality one of the fastest things you need to do is only a brief glimpse of the ground outside to take in order to determine whether does your satellite dish or antenna, as if they might be moved from their original orientation, including those from to see the floor a look if you have any obvious wires that may have broken or be able to see solved. If you do not see anything, and it is above head height, we would advise you to be an engineer than a few feet fall from a ladder, you can call or cause serious fatal injuries.

If everything looks ok to move outside the property next to the TV where the cables enter the property and also as poor image quality, at this point you need a satellite finder, or an antenna signal strength meter, we will be calling from here in your feet, you will need a ohm meter or other device for measuring resistance. All three are fairly inexpensive and can be purchased online or in a store that offers antennae or> Satellite equipment after you have read and implemented all instructions that come with your feet separated, the antenna from the back of the TV and the cable to your device, in accordance with the instructions that came with the meter, you should In this phase, already on the batteries in your meter, and place the unit on the strongest signal you can get.

If you have a very strong signal, but still a bad picture, you may have yourTV examined whether the cables came directly from the back of the TV. But if you can not send a strong signal to the counter then take the meter and the connection to the next, where the cables enter the property, most likely an electrical outlet. If your meter, you should also buy a short cable with a male antenna connector on both sides, you will need them now.

Close a page on your feet and a side dish or antenna to the socket and test for a signal as described above and asin the meter instructions if you still have no signal here, the problem probably lies elsewhere, and I would advise you to an engineer able to give working at heights, but if you get a strong signal here, everything you do need is always on reviewing individual pieces of wire to the meter and ohm meter until you know where the signal is beyond repair, or find and change if necessary.

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