Friday, November 27, 2009

Satellite TV Comparison Shopping Made Easy!

DirecTV vs. Dish Network and Satellite TV vs. Cable TV

With so many satellite TV providers competing for your business, as you know who to choose? Let's take a look at two of the most popular satellite TV providers, DirecTV and Dish Network for an apple apples comparison.

Dish Network

Dish Network Satellite is the nation's second largest provider of satellite -- > TV. Does that mean that Dish Network offers better service? Not necessarily.

Dish Network has done the most for the resources of other satellite TV providers, including a satellite TV guide, free satellite TV dishes, Dish Network, free offers and much more. Dish Network offers customers the option of purchasing HDTV equipment and service packages that viewers access to 8 high-definition channels, a bonus for consumers with high definition> TV devices.

Additionally, Dish Network means a slightly larger channel selection that have DirecTV, which is a benefit for some customers.

Here is a summary of the main services is offered by Dish Network:

More than 180 channels
HDTV for up to 8 channels
More than 30 sports dedicated networks including subscription options NBA League Pass and NHL Center Ice
Foreign Language Programming in many languages
More than 103 local channels available
Monthly charges are generallyless than $ 100
Available in all 50 states


DirecTV is the nation's largest provider. Like Dish Network, DirecTV is available in all 50 states. DirecTV claim to fame is that they offer more channels dollar for dollar than other satellite TV providers.

So how can you know whether DirecTV or Dish Network is right for you? Let's look at some of the specifics of DirecTV. DirecTV does not offer a total of fewer channels than Dish Network Satellite(but not much less), but it does feature exclusive sports packages including NFL Sunday Ticket, are a bonus for avid sports fans.

DirecTV also offers a high-definition package with four feature high-definition channels. DirecTV also offers many of the same freebies Dish Network has, including free Direct TV receiver, free satellite TV dishes and satellite TV resources.

A summary of the benefits of DirecTV is as follows:

More than 150Channels
More than 30 sports networks, including the special and exclusive sports packages
Foreign language channels in Spanish and Chinese
Up to 8 channels HDVT
Around 126 local channels
Monthly costs less than $ 100
Available in all 50 states

DirecTV and Dish Network Satellite

So, with an apple, apples comparison, you see that get the most for the same benefits you no matter which provider you choose. There are some subtle differences between the two, Dish Network offers slightly more overall channels and a larger foreign language programming selection. DirecTV offers some exclusive sports networks and greater access to local channels. DirecTV Tivo is an added benefit for DirecTV consumers, which providers channel recording capability to consumers.

Which provider you can depend on your location. Some may offer better deals or service offerings in some areas than others.

Satellite TV vs. Cable> TV

The question of satellite TV vs. Cable TV is a very old book. How do you know what to choose?

Thus, the two also deserve a comparison.

Cable TV

Equipment - Requires a TV set-top box to access to digital services
Transmission - analogous to the rule, however, consumers have the option to upgrade to digital for a higher premium. Analog channels are not converted to digital in this situation.
Programming - Supports morethan 260 channels and offers options such as pay-per-view, where viewers can buy movies for a small fee. Usually cable TV offers more options than the local channel satellite. Offers fewer HDTV services
Prices - The cable is usually more expensive, is partly due to additional costs to the monthly premium, fees, taxes, pay-per-view and equipment may include

Satellite TV

Equipment - Requires use of satellite dish and receiver. ManyProviders offer free satellite TV systems, free satellite TV dishes to lure customers.
Transmission - Satellite TV services are all digital, do the translating consumers generally a higher quality reception. TV reception may be subject to disruption in bad weather, but in this case with cable service.
Programming - offers typically 200 or more channels, including international and sports channels on cable. High DefinitionChannels are easier to receive by satellite
Pricing - Satellite TV can be cheaper than cable particularly if equipment is free of charge. Local channel packages are usually extra with satellite, but over time the costs are lower.
So what do you do?

For many it is a question of price, and satellite TV seems to be advantageous to be here. Both cable and satellite offer similar channel line-ups, but if you plan tojust one set of foreign or international films you for a satellite provider like Dish Network or DirecTV opt.

That said, most consumers will only ever get at the end on which at the time of its creation at home is easy. Whatever your choice, you will end up with decent service and a wide channel range which the majority of consumers are looking for at the end. Buyer beware, you should know that cable TV fans are very strictly cable and satellite TVFans very strict satellite.

You could literally cause an argument between two otherwise friendly neighbors simply by telling them to rate satellite TV vs. cable. That said, you'll probably find that once you make your selection also an avid supporter of starting a compared to the others.

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